Thursday, November 19, 2009

AUP Chosen as Guiding Process

One of the best decisions made during our Studio program was making AUP as our overall process guidance. This was a critical decision because early in the semester we were wandering in what type of activities to focus on.

The AUP’s phased based approach mapped really well to the MSE program semester structure. In the high level perspective of the project it helped the team to do better planning. It provided the Go or No Go criteria to move from one phase to another. These exit criteria milestones in our plan, from which all the project tasks were derived from. The good thing is that by creating our plan with these milestones we streamlined the team effort toward a same direction, and we were following AUP process by enforcing its activities in our plan.

AUP also allowed us to embed iteration within phases, this allow us to use SCRUM like iterative process for our planning and extreme programming for our Construction phase. This allowed us to follow the AUP in the long term of the project and use other processes within each phase.

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